Sunday School

Welcome to Sunday School at Holy Communion Lutheran Church! 

"Mommy, is there a God?" "What is God like and where does God live?" "Daddy, were there dinosaurs on the ark?" "Did Jesus really walk on water?" Children ask great questions in their faith and make the best theologians. Our Sunday school program supports the children in their faith formation and is a safe place for them to explore their relationship with God.  They learn that they have important roles in God’s plan.

Sunday School meets weekly from September through May at 9:30 AM in the fellowship hall.  We use the Spark Activate Faith Curriculum which follows the lectionary schedule for the church.  The activities are geared for children aged 2 through the 6th grade.  We begin as a group singing songs with our Children’s Choir. Afterwards, we break out into age level groups to hear the story for the day and complete age-appropriate activities.  The children learn to pray, navigate the Bible and how they fit into God’s plan.  Throughout the year we do special activities such as crafts, celebrations, and service projects.  

While your young disciple is participating in the Sunday School program, we invite you to take part in our fellowship time or join in the fun with the children.  The hour between services is a lively time at HCLC. It is a great time to learn what is going on at HCLC and in our broader community. Connect with other members and visitors over a cup of coffee or get involved in the life of the church by perhaps washing the communion dishes or setting the altar for the second service. The big benefit of this hour is that our kids see the adults engaged in community and doing God’s work. Kids learn by watching and imitating. It takes every generation of our church family to teach and develop our youngest disciples.  

If you are interested in teaching or helping with the program, please reach out to us.  No experience needed!

For more information e-mail us at or contact the church office.