Our Pastor

Pastor Ernie Lehr, III

Pastor Ernie Lehr came to Holy Communion in 2020 as an intern (Vicar). The internship was the final requirement for Pastor Ernie to complete his Seminary education.  He graduated with a Masters of Divinity from United Lutheran Seminary in May of 2022. At that time Holy Communion was searching for a full time Pastor and Pastor Ernie was encouraged to apply for the position.  After a positive endorsement from the Call Committee and the Church Council, he was presented to the congregation for a call vote.  On July 6, 2022 the congregation of Holy Communion Lutheran Church voted to call Pastor Ernie as their full time Pastor.  

Pastor Ernie married his wife in 1992, and together they have three children.  They share their home with three big dogs and a bearded dragon.

Pastor Ernie enjoys cooking, fishing, woodworking and both Orioles baseball and Ravens football.  Prior to coming to Holy Communion, he served as the part time Youth Minister at St Michaels Perry Hall for over 10 years.  Pastor Ernie also spent a number of years working for the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) as the Statewide Manager for Motorcycle Safety.  Pastor Ernie rode motorcycles for a number of years, but was forced to stop due to health reasons.  He is still very passionate about motorcycles and motorcycle safety.