About Us
Welcome to Holy Communion Lutheran Church!
We are a small community in Fallston, Maryland. If you’re looking for a small church filled with wonderful, fun and caring people then this is a place you might want to visit. We are a Christ centered community with lots to offer for individuals and families. We have regular Bible studies, music programs and youth programs. We believe, and preach, that Grace is a gift from God. We do nothing to deserve it, it is a gift freely given to us. We use that Grace to interact with each other, our community and our world. We also believe in the greatest commandment from Matthew 22 where Jesus says, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest, and first commandment. And the second is similar: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
Please know that you are welcome here - no kidding, we really mean it, everyone is welcome here. Holy Communion is a special place, and we would love to meet you. If you have any question or would like more information please contact Pastor Ernie Lehr. We hope to see you sometime soon!
Holy Communion Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The ELCA is an engaged, active body of people who put faith in God into action - in millions of ways, all over the world. It is composed of 4.8 million members and nearly 10,500 congregations across the U.S. and Caribbean. For more information, visit the ELCA website or the Delaware-Maryland Synod website .
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a service like?
Worship services at Holy Communion have music and a message. We gather to worship God and to receive the Good News about Jesus. Our 8:30 am service is traditional with more liturgy and hymns while our 10:30 am service is contemporary, a bit more casual and includes more modern music. We celebrate communion every Sunday and each service lasts about one hour.
Is the church handicapped accessible?
Yes. We have a single-level and no-steps building with nearby parking. People using wheel chairs, walkers and canes worship with us regularly. We also have hearing assistance devices at the ushers stand in our vestibule/narthex. Please ask the usher for one.
Are children welcome at all services?
Children are always welcome. They may sit with you in the sanctuary, or if you prefer more privacy we have rocking chairs in our vestibule and a nursery room with toys. You can hear the service in both locations. Preschool and elementary school aged children are also welcome to attend our Sunday School. We love children and want them to be a part of our church family.
Can visitors receive the sacrament of Holy Communion?
The Lutheran Church has an open table for communion which means all are welcome to receive communion. Christ is the host of this holy meal and we are but humble servers. Holy Communion is served as seperate elements. As you approach the altar you will be given a small piece of bread. At the next station you will be offered a small glass filled with either wine or grape juice. Gluten free wafers are always available upon request.
Do you welcome the LGBT community at Holy Communion Lutheran Church?
Absolutely! We welcome all people into the body of Christ. We believe that Jesus is the Lord of all people and all nations, and that we are all part of the body of Christ.
Does Holy Communion acknowledge the presence of visitors?
While you will be welcomed, we also respect your privacy. Some people prefer to keep a 'low profile' on their first visit. We have more than 400 members and very few of us know everyone's names. We invite you to participate and be a part of the body of Christ here, but our invitation is a gracious and gentle one.
What do people wear to worship?
Most people come dressed as they would for work or school but any dress appropriate in public places is welcome. On Christmas Eve and Easter people tend to dress a bit more formally, but do not let dress be a barrier to joining us. We want you here.
If I come and want a follow up visit what do I do?
There will be an attendance slip inside the narthex (or lobby) of the church. Please fill it out, check the 'would like a visit' box and give it to an usher, or put it in the offering plate. You can also e mail the Pastor at Pastor@holycommunionfallston.org or the office at office@holycommunionfallston.org
Can I get on the mailing list to receive announcements and newsletters?
Send an email to office@HolyCommunionFallston.org and request to be included. We communicate electronically very efficiently.
Am I welcome if I am not baptized and have very little knowledge of the Christian faith?
We welcome drop-ins whether they are actively seeking a church or merely curious. We don't pressure but do try to answer any questions you choose to ask. Many members at Holy Communion started as visitors with no connection with any person in the congregation. You are welcome to contact our Pastor and our staff regularly takes people to lunch or will make home visits to acquaint people with the faith. Be forewarned: We can be habit-forming!
Have more questions?
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.